On Monday, February 25th, we went to see the Queen of Sheba, who went to see King Solomon. She is found in 1 King 10:1-13 and Matthew 12:42. She had heard of Solomon’s third king of the Israelites, wisdom and wealth. So she went three thousand miles round trip, to see this great man. When she got to Solomon’s she took notice of how his servants, household, and officials were very happy and treated well. Day after day she tested his wisdom. When she found out all was true, as she left she gave him 100 talents of gold, spices in great quality, precious stones, and a lot of almug wood.
The other woman we studied was Jezebel, 1 Kings 16:29-33; 18:1-19:2, 21:1-25; 2 Kings 9. Jezebel was a Phoenician princess who married King Ahab, King of Northern Israel. Jezebel was a very wicked woman and she worshiped the pagan fertility god baal. She tried to convert all Israel. She killed all the prophets, except Elijah, replacing them with 850 of her own. Because of Jezebel’s wickedness God sent Elijah to tell her how she would die. Jehu, a captain in Israel’s army came looking for her. Jezebel proudly stood by the window of her palace and called to Jehu. Jehu ignored her saying who is on my side, throw her down. Her servants threw her out the window. As Elijah said, Dogs will devour you by the wall at Jezreel. Nothing was left of her but the souls of her feet, palms of her hands and skull.
“The Queen of Sheba and Jezebel: Two Women of Great Contrasts”