Love One Another Deeply

Love One Another Deeply

A Warm and Uplifting Sunday Morning at Church On a chilly Sunday morning, as the congregation filled the pews, the spirit of the Lord brought warmth and comfort to their hearts. It was a special day at the church, filled with love, faith, and a sense of togetherness....
Prepare For Christmas

Prepare For Christmas

Sunday Morning Worship: Pastor Lowrimore Gives Message to Prepare for Christmas Sunday morning worship opened with an inspiring prayer and several great hymns. Then, Pastor Lowrimore gave an encouraging message to prepare for Christmas. Drawing from scripture, the...
Church Fellowship

Church Fellowship

The church had a great fellowship evening! There was a variety of games, contests, and delicious food to enjoy. Everyone had a great time laughing and joking as they competed in the various activities. By the end of the night, everyone had full bellies and enjoyed the...

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