Wednesday Night Youth Ministry was on fire with the message Let It Go! Throw away things that hold you back from doing God’s work. Let It Go – Release any negative influences in your life that may be hindering your spiritual growth. Throw away anything that is preventing you from completing God’s work. Don’t let fear, doubt, or worry derail your plans to follow God’s will. Focus on the positive and celebrate your accomplishments. Be thankful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon you.
All ages from teens to nursery level received an invaluable lesson to help them grow in their lives. It was a unique learning opportunity that not only provided knowledge, but also taught those involved important life skills. Everyone benefited from the experience, as it was tailored to each individual’s needs and abilities. Through this lesson, the participants were able to gain valuable insight into how to become successful in whatever path they choose. The knowledge they gained will be beneficial to them in the future and will help them build a strong foundation for their future.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry